Monaco Part 2 – Wednesday Night Party!


At £6 a pint in the hotel, and a nice balmy evening, a walk up town was the only thing to do. A 30 minute walk put us in the centre of town. Walked around the race track – how on earth they manage to drive around at 100mph is amazing. The hill up to Casino square would force most cars into 2nd gear!

Quite a few Saints fans walking round in small groups but no obvious bar to congregate in.

Met up with Jim Ecclestone from the list plus mates. He’d been to the stadium but not able to get near. Stopped for a meal and then made our way back to the hotel via a few bars. No sign of any organised singing.

Back at the hotel, the porter pointed us in the direction of McCarthy’s, the local Irish Bar (apologies for the wrong name used in the list posting,  it was a hard nights drinking!). Quick taxi drive and we’re there around 10 pm, only to find the main group had been kicked out for sitting on chairs on tables/breaking glasses and the sound of bag pipes. We stayed on for a while although it wasn’t long
before the gang started to drift back.

The pipers returned and the party got going again.

Singing started

and the place started to fill up

and even the dancing started

‘Sandy, Sandy give us  a song’ – waving he can do, singing he can’t

A lull in the festivities as the crowd watched Chelsea do nothing.

By Midnight it was time for a move so it was up towards Casino square to the other bar that had been taken over – Cherie’s Cafe.

The fans had taken over the pavement cafe with Cosgrove and Jim Ecclestone the noise makers.

Lots of singing, lots of beer – great

The local Polis were there in numbers with one poor guy loosing his cap every time he tried to walk through. In the end he gave up. A car with four others stood by down the road.

The noise was getting too much so we were all moved inside to the disco

Jim in the swing

Has Cosgrove lost something – he looked pissed again as in Vaasa

Imposing himself on the young ladies – this one being Stuart McCluskey’s “fiancée”.

By 2 ish, we slinked off back to the hotel bar but managed to catch Jim again. A swift half hours walk back to the hotel for a few night-caps and in bed by sometime after 3.

Be very interesting to see what this was like compared to the Nice guys (does this make us the not Nice guys). I’m sure Richard’s exploits in Nice will make fascinated reading on the Temple – and also Gary’s (not sure where he was – and we failed to meet up with him – are you on any photo’s Gary?).

Read on for the next exploits on Thursday pre match.